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Australia Surfboard Collectors

The Collectors

Welcome to the members-only surfboard collectors club, hosted by The Surfboard Courier. 

We have had many requests for this, and are pretty excited to get it off the ground.  

This is all about connecting with fellow enthusiasts who appreciate the classics as much as you do.

Here is what we have set up so far:


The Collectors Forum

  • Sell/Buy/Swap Boards

  • Connect with fellow collectors

  • Ask questions, get answers, give answers...

  • Flex, whatever...


We'll be sending out a regular 'round up' of the latest boards on the forum up for sale. 

Get Started...
  • Click the SIGN UP link below to become a member

  • We manually approve each member request, so wait for your approval notification

  • Once we approve you, you can come to this website and login. The login is in the footer. 

  • You can update your profile in the member page, and then click The Collector Forum button.

  • Enjoy the forum, get chatting, start selling, buying and swapping...

  • Facebook
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